Quiz! What Feature Film Should You Watch In 2020?

Quizmaster: Hebe Dobson-Mouawad

Need a movie suggestion? Then look no further. Suffolk Shorts has got your back.

Disclosure: This quiz has absolutely no scientific basis. We cannot be held responsible if you do not enjoy the film.

Question One: How was your Christmas?

a)  Absolutely magical! Every family member spread joy! There were certainly no arguments over what to watch on TV/your brother’s new dietary requirements/BREXIT.

b)  I don’t want to talk about it.

c)  I can’t remember (because I was pissed).

Question Two: Are you looking forward to 2020?

a)  Of course! I can’t wait to bring in the New Year with loved ones who won’t be leaving our house until mid-January.

b)  No.

c)  It’s 2020 already?! I started watching The Irishman in November and only just finished.

Question Three: What is your go-to genre to watch at the cinema?

a)  Something that everyone can enjoy! It’s usually animated and has a PG rating.

b)  Realism.

c)  It doesn’t matter. I usually just fall asleep.

And the winner is…

Mostly As

Get real and stop lying to yourself! Nobody can survive the holiday period without contemplating hitting a relative over the head with a frying pan.

Take yourself to the cinema and buy a ticket (FOR ONE) for Guy Ritchie’s action-packed The Gentlemen. Bring on the New Year with drugs and violence (just on screen!).

Mostly Bs

Somebody needs a pick-me-up! It shouldn’t be all doom and gloom 24/7.

Fancy a trip to see Taika Waititi’s hilarious Jojo Rabbit? With Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson and Stephen Merchant, you know you’re going to have a good time!

Mostly Cs

Wake up! It’s a new decade and a new you!

By the sound of things, you’ve missed quite a bit. Why don’t you sit down and let Charlize Theron, Margot Robbie and Nicole Kidman in Bombshell bring you up to speed?


Happy New Year from Suffolk Shorts!

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